Dilnia Insurance offers comprehensive liability insurance options to meet the needs of its clients. These include:

This insurance covers clients against injury or damage caused to a client or third-party during business activities, and also covers damage to third-party property or personal injury caused by a product supplied by the client.

This policy provides coverage for clients who may be accused of providing inadequate advice, services, or designs that result in a client losing money. This includes medical malpractice coverage for professional negligence of doctors.

This insurance helps protect employees who are injured while working for the company. It covers medical bills, lost wages, and helps employees get back to work as soon as possible.

This insurance protects companies and their employees against damages or compensation claims that may arise as a result of the work being done by employees for the company. It is important for companies to have this coverage to protect their employees and business interests.

This is a requirement by the US Government for contractors working with the USG to have workmen’s compensation coverage from an approved DBA insurance carrier. AIG is one of the pre-approved carriers by the US Ministry of Labor.

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